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Behold! - Psalm 119:40

Psalm 119:40  Behold, I long for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life!

There are times in life when we are afforded a mere taste of something spectacular. Be it food, or adventure, love, or satisfaction. A moment of sheer enjoyment - complete gratification. However, it is rare for those moments to be prolonged or consistent in this life. When we experience them we crave them again and again because they are an experience of the Holy One, they are a small glimpse of heaven, and they are a moment of how things ought to be. However, here we see exactly this passion with the Psalmist, a yearning and a hunger for the Lord’s word alone! 

The Psalmist has already tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34:8) but this was simply not enough. A mere taste and a scant glimpse are simply not enough. This is why David then urges his readers to take refuge in him - never leave his side, and be ever content under his strong arm, by his side. We see here a fervent affection for the Lord. David is saying “although I already have your rules and love them, I can’t help but hunger and thirst for more. I want them more and I want to obey them with greater faithfulness!” David knows, that a simple taste, a true and spiritual taste of these rules will be sweeter than honey, smoother than milk, and more satisfying than fat, and make one pant till his intake increase. 

But alas, the Psalmist, as well as all of us, know that our panting and grasping are done in vain, for we possess no strength or life in ourselves to obtain our cravings. We are broken and weak unless granted the ability. David asks in prayer for the faculty to obtain just what he is thirsting for. “You have given me these insatiable cravings,” Says David, “now grant me life in your righteousness that I may pursue the desires you have implanted in my heart!” 

We are often lackluster in our pursuit of God because we become too easily satisfied with the world's gimmicks rather than mine for the true wealth of creation. And when we do sense a longing for the Lord’s law, we sense our weakness and we fall one step off the starting line. Sweet child of the King, cry out to him acknowledging your thirst and parched lips. Ask for the strength that comes from him alone, and he will satisfy your desire - he will give you life!