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Keeping His Statutes - Psalm 119:7-8

I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!” - Psalm 119:7-8


This section of the Psalm is a glorious resolution to the preceding 6 verses from David. David’s flow looks something like this: the Psalm starts by saying blessed are those who do this and do that. Then, there is an acknowledgment that the Lord has commanded these things that result is blessedness. This is followed by a recognition of the longing of the soul to keep the commands of God, and finally, David says, “I will do these things commanded of me!” It is a wonderful progression we are granted here. This is a natural progression of one who is truly regenerate, and one who truly delights in the Lord. He or she sees what the Lord requires and recognizes that the Lord loves and is kind to those who keep his word out of love for him and his law. Then comes the groaning of the soul to do just that. And then a mighty resolve!

Observe, David recognizes that the right praise of God comes from an upright heart, but that an upright heart comes from knowledge. This may be a surprise, especially in the aesthetic and sensual atmosphere we inhabit today, but this is not foreign to God’s people. The works of the Lord are revered, looked upon with great delight and awe, and they are studied (Psalm 111:2)! The people of God search out and seek the things of the Lord diligently, and this is what David expresses in verse 7. David seeks knowledge, and he will seek God and study his ways to do so. We must never become complacent with our current knowledge, but strive to be “head-scholars” of Christ school.

Notice, however, what this knowledge will allow him to do. This knowledge will allow David to worship God correctly and to obey him rightly.  

We worship God correctly when we know how God wants to be worshiped. Our God is not one to leave his people guessing in any matter, especially not in the area most crucial to the life of a believer: holy worship! Oh, how sweet it is upon the lips and heart of one who is after God’s heart to utter his praise in a way pleasing to him after he has taught us his statutes (Psalm 119:171).

We obey him rightly when the word of God is ripe on our tongues and fresh in our minds. We can think God's thoughts after we have memorized and meditated on his word. We can live in trust and obedience after we have read and prayed according to his will. God has established the rules of creation, and his word dictates to us exactly what those are. 

But hear David's plea, “do not utterly forsake me.” In other words, “God, please do not leave me to myself; otherwise, I will never learn, and never worship or obey you rightly.” We must live in God’s word. Our minds must be filled with God’s word. Our hearts must overflow with God’s word. Our hands must do God’s word. Our mouths must speak and sing God’s word. Otherwise, we have nothing but our own heart . . . which is wicked and depraved.