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My Delight…My Counselor… Psalm 119:24 (3 Minute Read)

Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors. - Psalm 119:24

It is not uncommon for those who are bold in heart and of face (Isaiah 50:7) for the Lord and his word to be plotted against by those around us. Because we are not greater than our Master, we can expect the type of treatment he received while on the earth (John 15:20). The psalmist here is, however, relaying to us unflinching resolve. The world has laid hold of an unjust opinion of him (v. 23), and despite this fact, he is fortified in his estate. He is all the more resolute in the face of this opposition, because of the delight and enchantment that comes from the testimonies of the Lord. The annoying and grievous nature of false accusations weighs heavy upon the soul. They can crush the heart and lead to despair. But for him who is instead gladdened by the word of God, his despair will quickly change to delight.

The word was likewise his counselor. He was not convinced by his thoughts, nor did he rely on them (Proverbs 3:5), but instead he relied upon the word of God to direct his thinking. It is all too often that emotions and quick tempers are those things that spark decisions in our lives. We are frequently directed by greed and want, and become rash and forego the help of others. How often are power and position the driving impulse in our decision-making? We then wonder why we have been so dreadfully misled, and have made shipwreck of our lives and perhaps even of those closest to us. However, here the psalmist gives us great guidance: the testimonies of the Lord are his counselor. There is no better counsel than that which comes from the word of God. And then when it is adhered to with prudence, the deceitfulness of our flesh, the delusion of the world, and the devious cunning of the devil will have no inlet. In this way, because we submit - in mind and soul - to the Lord’s counsel, temptation will have no avail
