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Your Word In My Heart - Psalm 119:11

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

-Psalm 119:11

Let constant prayer ensue as we ponder at the power of God’s holy and infallible word. This sacred word has the power to keep us from stumbling and from sin. This divine word - which by virtue of the one who breathed it - can keep us at peace with our God. Stand in awe, you precious saint. 

Notice what David does with God’s word: he stores it in his heart. He makes his heart a depository of the utterances of the Holy One of Israel. It was securely placed there so that it could be used on any occasion; it was placed somewhere, where only that which is of supreme value is kept. He stored it in that place where the treasures that we are afraid to lose belong. This word, if placed in our hands or homes only, could be stolen from us. This word, if placed in our minds alone, can be forgotten. However, if it is placed in our hearts, and the shape of it is allowed to mold us, then it will impress upon our souls the image of Jesus Christ and will never be lost. Other versions translate it saying, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart . . .” to make known that we hide that which we find precious. We hide what we desire for no one to steal away from us.  

Notice Paul's instruction in Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly . . . ” In a short phrase, Paul extols the delightful task of the Christian. Matthew Henry expresses the necessity for the word to dwell within:

“[The word] must dwell in us; that is, be always ready and at hand to us in everything, and have its due influence and use. We must be familiarly acquainted with it, and know it for our good. It must dwell in us richly: not only keep house in our hearts, but [to] keep a good house.”

The satisfying result of this task is evident: fear and love. Men and women who have hidden God’s word in their hearts are afraid to sin and take great pains to prevent its occurrence. They are sensitive to sin’s subtle appearance within them. This happens as their love for God deepens from his word being hidden in their hearts. When we hide God’s word in our hearts we are keen to temptation and ready to combat each one with “it is written,” just as our Lord did during his temptation. 

What has filled your heart?