Psalm 82 is reminiscent of Isaiah 6 and Job 1, as the veil between heaven and earth temporarily rolls back, allowing the onlooker insight into the congregation who gathers before Yahweh.
In the church, many suggest Christians stay in their lane, a sacred lane that must be kept separate from the secular realm. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, elite evangelicals often assist in cementing the supremacy of secular elites. But what does God think of our rebellion? He laughs at our foolishness and calls us to wisdom. Wise kings honor Christ as King and serve him with joy.
Does 2 Peter 3:10 mean that the earth we walk upon today, the world which God created in six days, will experience annihilation? Will the new earth be a new planet altogether?
Transgenderism (gender dysphoria) is - despite notions to the contrary - a mental disorder. Despite common sense and the absolute nature of this fact, there are still many in our culture who would disagree.