What We’re About
R&C exists to promote reformed confessionalism, to proclaim the sufficiency of scripture, and to extol the supremacy of Christ over all things. However, we do not intend to promote these in the abstract, but rather to build up the universal church, and advance, what we call, Reformed Solidarity. We are determined to build up the Kingdom of God on the Earth and encourage obedience to God’s will, and to do that we believe the church must pursue unity and peace with other parts of the church that may not agree wholeheartedly on all aspects of theology (Ephesians 4:1-6). This is why we exist—to deliver unapologetically confessionally reformed theology and encourage the church to focus on primary issues so that Christendom can be built and Christ may be exalted on the Earth!
We maintain that the scriptures are the rule of faith and life (WCF 1.2, LBCF 1.2) and believe that apart from the scriptures there is no such thing as consistency or a worldview that is not contradictory at one point or another. Contradiction being the first indication of a failed argument, we further maintain that all other world-views apart from a biblical one that is reformed and confessional, is - in the end - bankrupt and can never consistently answer the questions of life, from the most massive of inquiries, to the most mundane and monotonous curiosities, nor can they speak to cultural problems or into the lives of people in meaningful ways. In short, the scriptures are God-breathed, infallible, and sufficient for all of life, and apart from them no truth or help exists.
We confess that Christ is ruler over all things (Colossians 1:16, Matthew 28:18), now! Not sometime in the future, but he rules and reigns now. There is one kingdom, and Christ is ruler over it, and all things are subject to his power and authority. So it is with this radical and exhilarating truth that we live without shame of the Gospel or fear of man, and proclaim his excellencies and the need for every knee to bow! And it is also for this reason that we believe the universal church must strive for unity of the Spirit.
This platform is primarily concerned with what is mentioned above and those things will demand its primary focus, however, there will be times when differing theological views are expressed here. This should not be a discouragement, but rather a time of reflection and edification, and an aid in seeing that the body of Christ is broader than our particular distinctions—and encourage you in creating bridges with your brothers and sisters. This site is an effort to promote and achieve reformed solidarity among saints with differing theological views on particular issues. We believe that we are fast approaching a time when small differences in theological viewpoints are no longer valid reasons to cause disunity or separation and that a uniting of reformed and confessional minds is becoming increasingly necessary for the universal church. All who write for R&C are avidly confessionally reformed and adhere to our respective historic confessional standards, however, we categorize theological issues properly, so that we can faithfully encourage bringing the church together over primary matters rather than divide over secondary ones.
We will produce content on and about the holy word of God, and how it applies to all of life. We will produce practical and thoughtful material to help you in your walk with the Lord. We will write and podcast about our nation, culture, and contemporary issues, and attempt to be a timely and prophetic voice declaring the enduring truths of God’s word. We want to be a herald of the best news the world has ever known: Jesus Christ and him crucified!
We pray that you will be edified and emboldened to profess Christ and to be unashamed of his Gospel!