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Sermon Manuscript Michael Mount Sermon Manuscript Michael Mount

Exposition of Psalm 2 — A Call to Kings

In the church, many suggest Christians stay in their lane, a sacred lane that must be kept separate from the secular realm. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, elite evangelicals often assist in cementing the supremacy of secular elites. But what does God think of our rebellion? He laughs at our foolishness and calls us to wisdom. Wise kings honor Christ as King and serve him with joy.

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Hamartiology Nicolas Muyres Hamartiology Nicolas Muyres

Genetics and Sin

Although this son saw all the evil of his father, he did not delight in it. Instead, he chose/desired a different path, a righteous path, and chose to be the opposite of his father. His desires – which are metaphysical – were different from his fathers’.

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Incarnation Michael Mount Incarnation Michael Mount

Joy to the World – Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Watts initially published “Joy to the World” in 1719 as a paraphrase of Psalm 98, entitled “The Messiah’s Coming and Kingdom.” The term paraphrase doesn’t do justice to this hymn. It would be more accurate to call it a Christological interpretation – a brief sermon explaining how the psalmist foretold the person and work of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ.

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Christian Life Nicolas Muyres Christian Life Nicolas Muyres

Response to MacArthur’s View of Marital Submission

It is perfectly obvious that not everyone submits to everyone else, and it is foolish to imagine it so. Elders do not submit themselves to parishioners, police do not submit themselves to citizens, and husbands do not submit themselves to wives. What Paul is indicating here is that, although not all people submit to each other, all people do submit to someone.

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Sacraments Nicolas Muyres Sacraments Nicolas Muyres

On Paedocommunion Pt 1 - Introduction To Paedocommunion

We’re concerned with the more pressing question regarding the participants in the Supper. Here, our interests are focused on “who may partake?” rather than “what does it mean to partake?” This question is indeed more pressing, because if we aren’t granting admittance to all those for whom Christ has given his body and blood, it will avail little to the church.

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Nicolas Muyres Nicolas Muyres

2024 Election - How Shall We Then Vote

While I respect the conscience of these brothers and sisters, it makes them the weaker, and for this I do not despise them, but I offer the following so they may mature into the fullness of Christ.

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Origins Nicolas Muyres Origins Nicolas Muyres

Creation & Fall (Genesis 1)

If we are moving toward that view of glory, and we have the blessed assurance of God’s promise that it will happen, we ought to be joyful and triumphant, building the Kingdom of God by the proclamation of the Gospel, one generation at a time.

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Nicolas Muyres Nicolas Muyres

Pastors, Pulpits, & Tweets

If from the pulpit you only hear, week after week, about your union with Christ, and every passage of scripture that is preached culminates with “and Christ succeeded where you failed” or “and Christ did what you and I could never do” or “therefore we thank God for our union with Christ,” then you have a pastor feeding you milk from a big-boy sized rubber nipple.

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Covenant Theology Nicolas Muyres Covenant Theology Nicolas Muyres

Who Are God’s Enemies?

The confession articulates – in no uncertain terms – that salvation is within God’s covenant, yet it is only a possibility, not a guarantee. One way Jesus articulated this truth was by his parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24-43).

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Nicolas Muyres Nicolas Muyres

An Update

Here's an update on what's been happening in my life and an explanation - somewhat - as to where I've been.

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