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The Mortification of Sin: A Necessary Journey for God’s Men
The subject of mortifying sin ought to resonate with the push for biblical masculinity; the call to mortify sin brings about a spirit and a sense of adventure, battle, conflict, and conquest. We are teaching ourselves, our men, and our boys to be a warrior who is tender to his allies and tough on his enemies.
Response to MacArthur’s View of Marital Submission
It is perfectly obvious that not everyone submits to everyone else, and it is foolish to imagine it so. Elders do not submit themselves to parishioners, police do not submit themselves to citizens, and husbands do not submit themselves to wives. What Paul is indicating here is that, although not all people submit to each other, all people do submit to someone.
When The Lord Says “Not Yet” — A Reflection on 2023
The Lord has been at work in my life and has been teaching me many things, of which I hope to share a small bit with you here. God is always at work, really, even when we aren’t aware of it. Over the last bit of my life, however, I have been afforded the kindness of being more aware of it than normal.
You Will Bear Fruit
God is the original horticulturist. But he doesn’t grow the expected fruits. Of course, he is the one who is all-around responsible for the growth of all the pomegranates, avocados, peaches, pears, and plums, but he is also the cultivator of a different and even better fruit, a spiritual fruit.
God Will Forgive You
“You mean, all I have to do is drink this cup and I’ll be forgiven? All my sins will be wiped away?” Yes! Only in this cup, this blood, can God and man come and live together.
A Man After God’s Heart
The following is a sermon manuscript delivered at a Men’s Fellowship on July 15, 2022 at Freedom Church in Dayton, OH.
The Christian Life: Free at Last, Freed at Last
Paul condemns this ideology and hermeneutic at the beginning of chapter 5. The reality is, that legalism does not appease God.
God’s Redemption of Memories - 3 Min Read
Many people want to forget their past and feel the relief of forgetting the shame they have experienced, and if that is the goal then the world has a plethora of options to choose from.
Becoming Like Children
So when we look at children, what are we supposed to see? Children are helplessly dependent and this in turn forces their humility.
Hope And Suffering (5 Min Read)
I don’t think it is possible to have a genuine relationship with someone without eventually conversing about suffering and sharing the ways that you have suffered in this life. We all suffer.
Accepted in Christ - (3 Min Read)
Paul knew full well the issues in the Corinthian church at that present moment. He did not set into writing this letter without full knowledge of the status of this congregation.
Suicide Prevention: Made in His Image
Picture Ahithophel’s king, David, sleeping on his comfortable couch. He raises out of his slumber, stretches his arms, yawns, and shuffles his feet beneath himself, hoping to touch his elusive sandal with his ever-searching hallux.
Pragmatism and the Christian
Pragmatism is the practical or realistic approach to solving problems or the idea that the results themselves confirm the validity of the methods used and is often found in Christian circles. For example, if a method of evangelism doesn’t work by people confessing Christ, then one will look for another or different method to use for evangelism.
Suicide Prevention: Made in His Image
Picture Ahithophel’s king, David, sleeping on his comfortable couch. He raises out of his slumber, stretches his arms, yawns, and shuffles his feet beneath himself, hoping to touch his elusive sandal with his ever-searching hallux.
Three Changes Following Conversion
The world is not as it should be. No surprises there. After all, looking at the front page of any news outlet immediately reveals how messed up things are. How is it, then, that a large percentage of Westerners believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth?