This is but a short and sweet synopsis of our beliefs. For a fuller picture please see the Westminster Confession of Faith and/or the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith.
“Reformed” We hold to the basic tenets of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. These biblical truths were affirmed by the early church, suppressed for a time, and rediscovered by the reformers.
“Presbyterian” Presbyterian is the biblical form of church government. Congregations are under the oversight of local elders. The elders in a geographical region form a presbytery and all the presbyteries form a synod. Presbyteries and synods meet at regular intervals.
(Note: Those here that are not Presbyterians in denominational affiliation still believe in a “presbyterian” form of church government, where congregations are governed by a plurality of elders with the necessity to be involved with likeminded congregations in a geographical area)
Scripture Alone The Bible is God’s inerrant and infallible word. It is the sole authority for the church and the individual Christian (2 Timothy 3:16).
Grace Alone We are saved by grace alone. Grace is God’s sovereign, undeserved favor or love to man in his state of sin and guilt which manifests itself in all aspects of salvation; forgiveness of sin, deliverance from its penalty, the giving of righteousness, and the exercising of faith.
Faith Alone Faith alone is the instrument by which we receive God’s grace. Upon God granting grace through faith, man is justified. Justification is a legal declaration of “not guilty”. Upon trusting Christ as Savior, God transfers the person’s sins to Christ on the cross and Christ’s righteousness becomes his own so that God now sees him as righteous.
Christ Alone The object of the believer’s faith is Christ alone. He is the eternal Son of God who became flesh. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life of perfect obedience to God, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and now reigns in heaven and on earth. His death and resurrection accomplished salvation for those who trust in Him. He will return to earth and judge the living and the dead.
God’s Sovereignty God’s sovereignty is His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing of all things.
Evangelism Scripture calls every believer to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Thus, we are committed to proclaiming Christ throughout local and foreign regions for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.
Worship There is one simple principle that we believe ought to govern the worship of God in every age. It is found in Deuteronomy 12:32 and Matthew 15:8-9. In the renewal of the church at the time of the Reformation, this principle was expressed as “Whatever is not commanded by Scripture for the worship of God, whether by example or in principle, is forbidden.”