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Helping Your Hermeneutic: Lists
A thorough understanding of a list’s contents helps the modern reader apply the immutable doctrines of the text by emboldening the major thrust of the author’s intentions.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Pronouns
The male-female dynamic within the created order is the choice of the Creator (Genesis 1:27), whose motivation is to receive glory from his creation (Ephesians 1:6). Within God’s Holy Word and the world he created, there are only two genders: male and female.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Repetition (5 Min Read)
A repetition in our Bible occurs when the same word, phrase, sentence, or concept appears more than once within a definitive space. This defined “space” might be a singular verse, chapter, book, testament, or even the entire Bible.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Historical Context (5 Min Read)
The details about the historical context surrounding 1 Corinthians in these paragraphs help the reader understand why Paul devotes so much content to the topics of sexual immorality and idolatry in his epistle.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Intended Audience (6 Min Read)
The intended or original audience is the individual or group of individuals the author means to address with their communicative act.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Authorial Intention (3 Min Read)
My mind comprehends the concept of authorial intention and its importance by thinking through how I would want a reader to interpret my writing.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Concentric Circles of Context (3 Min Read)
I rely on my yearly Bible reading to help me understand the given Testament’s context, so there is no pressure to read the entire Old or New Testament at once to understand a singular word or verse.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Context Determines Meaning (5 Min Read)
One of the most foundational tenets of biblical interpretation is the phrase: “Context Determines Meaning.”
A Confessional Hermeneutic
Among the number of alarming trends growing in the broader evangelical church is the prevailing attitude of “Bible alone” in hermeneutics and theological interpretation. More and more, laypeople and pastors alike are looking to lose tradition in favor of biblicism. This trend is unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst.