Thank You and Happy New Year

Thank you, and Happy New Year from all of us at Reformed & Confessional!


Each year at this time, we pause to say thank you publicly, first to the Lord for His kindenss and secondly to you, the reader. Thank you for loving our King, listening to our podcast, and reading our articles. It is a humbling blessing to extol the supremacy of Christ around the world. In 2024, the Lord blessed the expansion of our readership by 81% to over 100 countries and territories. Also, by God’s grace, we produced 24 blogs, 21 podcast episodes, and 3 blogcasts. We added one new writer to our group to continue displaying Reformed Solidarity to the body of Christ – yes, we can all get along. In our personal lives, the Lord continues to grow us as His men who exist for His glory in our roles as husbands, fathers, pastors, employees, and contributors to Reformed & Confessional. In case you have not read them yet, below are our Top 5 most read articles of 2024:


1)        Trinitarian Heresies

2)        An Exposition of Psalm 1

3)        2024 Election – How Shall We Then Vote

4)        Calvinists, Not Passivists

5)        Bunyan on Baptist Charity


Our top podcast episode from 2024 is:

WLC Q7: Episode 8 God is Incomprehensible & Everywhere Present


Looking ahead to 2025, we pray for God’s hand to remain upon our homes, our ministries, and our efforts at Reformed & Confessional; for we readily admit, except the Lord build it, we labor in vain. Please pray for our personal holiness, pursuit of Christ, and proclamation of sound doctrine for the glory of God alone!

May the Lord bless you and keep you,


Reformed & Confessional    



The Mortification of Sin: A Necessary Journey for God’s Men


Genetics and Sin