Reformed & Confessional

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An Update

For those of you who are familiar with the Reformed & Confessional website and the work that we are doing here, you have likely noticed my abrupt and spun out absence. And for this observation I am deeply grateful and humbled. Thank you.

However, I think it is appropriate to grant an explanation as to why, for roughly three months, I have been absentis agendo – missing in action.

From my last update article, you’ll know that I had candidated at a CRE Church in Oregon, had been offered the position, but alas, the cost of living was a bit too much. Although the offer was generous – and it was – living in Oregon under Biden was and continues to be a near impossibility for a new comer. This was deeeeeeeeeply regrettable. Nevertheless, my family and I remained in Pittsburgh, where the Lord has planted us, and I kept on counseling for a biblical counseling center and doing my schoolwork – everything was peachy keen.

My wife and I, however, being the deeply in love high school sweethearts we are, couldn’t resist each other, and so we decided to have another baby. Something about it just seemed like a good idea! Nevertheless, with pregnancy can come unexpected surprises. There arose complications that needed medical attention. But more unexpectedly, my wife lost her medical insurance causing the little man in my brain to run around screaming for a few minutes!

I had to think quick, fast, and in a hurry and find a “real” job - one with benefits. God was kind, however, and without many days going by after getting the unfortunate news, I was contacted by a recruiter for a local rehab that was looking for a drug and alcohol counselor. Voila! The Lord provided. 

I interviewed, and was hired, and now by God’s gracious provision my wife is able to get the care she needs. This vocational move, as you might expect, while being a mighty answer to prayer has restricted my time and ability to contribute to the website to the degree that I previously was. Which, is of course, unfortunate. Yet, when it comes to being a Christian man, and the one responsible to provide for the wife and children the Lord has given gifted, there must be priorities and hard choices need to be made at times.

Be that as it may, as I settle into my new role, and things in life start to calm a bit, I am seeing that I will have time to contribute once again. For the time being my contribution will likely be more in written, rather than in audio form - but Mr. John Fry does a fabulous job with that anyway, so you likely won’t even know I’m gone.

Lord willing, Reformed & Confessional will be around for a very long time and continue to be a trusted resource for thoroughgoing reformed content! That’s our prayer.

Thank you for your patience, your readership, your continued prayer, and your understanding!


Cordially In Christ,
