Keep Your Way Pure - Psalm 119:9

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. - Psalm 119:9

This Psalm is one that is exceedingly precious to me. I cannot imagine that there is any young person who loves the Lord, takes seriously and despises their sinfulness, and does not look to this Psalm as a glorious directive; a spectacular bidding! 

The implication we see here, first of all, is that our way must be kept pure, because it is by nature impure and filthy with sin. Not only were we born in utter sin (Romans 5:12; Psalm 51:5) but we are guilty of sins in our youth as well (Psalm 25:7). Paul counsels Timothy against youthful lusts instructing him to flee them (2 Tim. 2:22). He tells him to put off youthful lusts and to put on in their place faith, love, and peace, all of which are in keeping with God's word. It could be said that faith, love, and peace are a succinct way of illustrating the Gospel of God. We also observe from this passage that the scripture beckons young people to a life of holiness. 

How are young people to keep their way - their life - pure? They are to guard it according to God’s word. The word of God must be taken seriously, listened to, paid attention to, kept in mind, and taken to heart. It cannot be considered a byword but it rather must be a word imprinted on the heart. At first, it may seem of a selfish nature or of an aimless pursuit to make your own way pure. However, observe without delay, that your way made pure by God’s word will quickly spread to your posterity, and your community. It will quickly be noticed in your vocation and in your leisure. It is by the purity of God’s word and the holiness it brings that makes happy lives. It is in guarding your life in your youth that allows you to grow well and be happy in your old age. 

It will be the ruin of young people to not have the word of God as their standard and principle rule of their life. This will prove not only to their ultimate destruction, but also will ensure the spoiling of what could otherwise be for God’s glory and their enjoyment throughout their lives. Our hope, however, is that the Lord promises to be with us and for his name’s sake, to forget our transgressions according to his steadfast love (Psalm 25:7). So, while we rest in God’s enduring love, protect your heart and your life by giving no provision for the flesh (Romans 13:14) and by guarding your precious life according to our Lord’s word.

Nicolas Muyres

Nick is a Navy veteran and lives in Pittsburgh with his wife and children. He is a graduate of Liberty University, a certified biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, and he is pursuing a Master of Divinity from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.


Inspiration of Scripture


Keeping His Statutes - Psalm 119:7-8