The True Jesus

The American Cultural Jesus is NOT Divine: The Great Heresy of the 21st Century

The question: Is Jesus human and divine?

            The early Church settled this debate in the fourth century by penning the Nicene Creed. This is what they stated about Jesus:

 And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, begotten from the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven; he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried. The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. He ascended to heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will never end. [1]

Furthermore, the 1689 London Baptist Confession states:

In this divine and infinite Being there are three subsistences, the Father, the Word or Son, and Holy Spirit, of one substance, power, and eternity, each having the whole divine essence, yet the essence undivided: the Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son; all infinite, without beginning, therefore but one God, who is not to be divided in nature and being, but distinguished by several peculiar relative properties and personal relations; which doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation of all our communion with God, and comfortable dependence on him (2.3).

The Lord Jesus, in his human nature thus united to the divine, in the person of the Son, was sanctified and anointed with the Holy Spirit above measure, having in Him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; in whom it pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell, to the end that being holy, harmless, undefiled, and full of grace and truth, he might be throughly furnished to execute the office of mediator and surety; which office he took not upon himself, but was thereunto called by his Father; who also put all power and judgment in his hand, and gave him commandment to execute the same (8.3). 

By the Creed and the Confession of the Church, we codify our understanding of the sacred biblical texts to proclaim that Jesus is truly divine (that is God) and truly man (that is human-being) simultaneously. The radiant expression and essence of God clothed in human flesh.      

The Fruit Reveals the Root

You may ask yourself why I bring this point to light. The answer is simple: The divine nature of Jesus Christ is under attack in the modern American cultural context. American church members, dare I even say, Christians, affirm that Jesus is a man. Most will also proclaim via verbal expression that Jesus is the Son of God. However, many denounce Jesus’ divine character by professing to know Christ as personal Lord and Savior but living as if Jesus is not holy, and if he is not holy he is not divine. Therefore, a life that does not proclaim the holiness of Jesus denies the divinity of Jesus.

Jude 4 warns the saints to be on the lookout for deceivers who pretend to be sheep but are actually antichrists. Jude tells us that these antichrists can be identified by their lifestyles of lawlessness that profane God’s grace, thereby denying Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Additionally, John states in 1 John 1:6 that believers do not continue in sin. If a person’s lifestyle proves otherwise then that person is a liar. Paul proclaims in Romans 6:2 that a true believer in Jesus Christ cannot continue in a lifestyle of sin. James reminds us that a salvific faith is known by its works (the tree is known by its fruit).  James is also quick to identify that salvific faith is deeper than an intellectual belief because even the demons possess that type of belief. The Bible is explicitly clear about what a salvific faith looks like and the person who possesses this faith will naturally be on a course of conforming to the image of Jesus Christ.  

Man’s Manufactured Jesus vs. Divinity Incarnate

The Jesus that a modern American culture is presenting is not the Jesus of the Bible. A plethora of people who identify themselves as Christians preach this false Jesus. These pseudo-Christians are misinformed about who they are and who they follow. The fruit of their lives sends a clear message that states, “Jesus is a man who might have some god-like attributes, but isn’t actually God.” Their lives proclaim lawlessness and cheap grace. They promote the idea that Jesus is love, accepting of everyone, non-confrontational, forgiving without end, and a pushover. These people even build social congregations on the foundation of these lies. There is no shame in their midst and there is no fruit of holiness either. These people proclaim to be Christians, but they promote and condone pro-choice movements, homosexual clergy, antinomianism, and the mantra of, “Do what is best for you.” Their version of Jesus is not divine.         

However, I fully refute this and you should too. It is time for true Bible-believing Christians to reclaim the name for which they stand: Jesus Christ – who is truly divine and truly man.

The Jesus of the Bible, my Lord and Savior Jesus, is loving, accepting, forgiving without end, but He is also holy, righteous, glorified, sinless, and just. The Jesus I know has a character that abhors sin and calls His disciples to hate sin too. My Jesus calls his disciples to be holy because he is holy (1 Pet. 1:16). This Jesus yields fruit in the life of the true Christian that manifests itself in gentleness, purity, pro-life ideologies, abstinence outside of marriage, heterosexual biblically credentialed clergy, submission to government inside of God’s decrees, and the mantra of, “Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.”

As you can see, there are very distinct differences in the character, calling, and fruit of the disciples of these two people named Jesus. Which Jesus does your life proclaim?   

The American culture has attempted to redefine the true Jesus’ divinity; thereby creating an altogether man-centric Jesus that is not divine. Do not be deceived. Do not fall for the fake Jesus. Search the scriptures, read the creeds, understand the early confessions, and be discipled by people whose lives emanate divine produce (fruit). Be holy, for he is holy.

This is the true Jesus: truly divine and truly man.

[1] Translation © 1988, Faith Alive Christian Resources, Christian Reformed Church in North America

Aaron Koen

Aaron is a Navy veteran and a graduate from Liberty University and Ouachita Baptist University. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. Aaron enjoys spending time with his wife, Alyssa as well as wrestling with his Belgian Malinois, Ace. Aaron’s heart is to see Christ glorified by equipping the church through a retrieval of orthodox theology in the reformed tradition applied in the contemporary context.


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