Open My Eyes - Psalm 119:18

“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.” - Psalm 119:18

Out of God’s law there are many majestic and wonderful things that are difficult to see at first, that the man or woman of God will see over time, as the Lord graciously reveals more of himself to them. In God’s word are strange things, surprising things, astonishing things, and glorious things. Within his word are those things deserving high esteem and are to be highly valued. There are also those things that have been hidden from the wise and prudent and yet revealed to babes. The psalmist asks that his eyes would be opened to the wondrous things out of God's law; remove from my eyes the scales of complacency and commonality. Open them to your word afresh and grant me to behold their beauty. Show me those things that I have never seen before, and set me in awe once again! Grant me to behold the holiness of your word, let it not be just another thing to me. 

Yet, if there be wondrous things in God’s law how much more wondrous things must there be in his Gospel, where Christ is all in all, the perfect embodiment of this law, and the sinless perfection that the law demands? O’ what a sweet pointer to Christ this law is; one could imagine saying “open my eyes that I may behold Christ!” And behold his excellence we shall if we would but ask the Lord to give himself to us! Because we must earnestly ask for our eyes to be opened, we must grant that by nature we are blind and need the merciful work of the Spirit to bestow upon us light. Christ is the light shining in the darkness, giving life to men and women. By Christ our eyes are opened to wondrous things in God’s word!

Isaiah 29:18

“On that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of the deep darkness the eyes of the blind will see.”

Nicolas Muyres

Nick is a Navy veteran and lives in Pittsburgh with his wife and children. He is a graduate of Liberty University, a certified biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, and he is pursuing a Master of Divinity from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.


The Great Irony of Denying Human Depravity


Hebrews 10:26-31