Take Up & Read

Sin Nicolas Muyres Sin Nicolas Muyres

Slavery To Sin (10 Min Read)

Slavery to sin is a slavery unlike any other. It is a bondage that is rivaled by no other form in any other time. It is a taskmaster that is more heinous, ruthless, relentless, conniving, deceiving, and destructive than any other that has ever or will ever exist. Sin demands more, and takes more than any slave on Earth has ever given.

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Psalm 119, Devotional Nicolas Muyres Psalm 119, Devotional Nicolas Muyres

Sorrow to Strength - Psalm 119:28 (3 Min Read)

He was losing his composition due to the heaviness of his heart and the afflictions he was facing. And here we see a man who has a great burden, one beyond his ability to bear. And this is indeed not a foreign feeling for some of us. The feelings of being helpless, stuck, defeated, or brought low and without the ability or opportunity to climb out of this hole of despair.

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Jesus Christ John Fry Jesus Christ John Fry

Water From The Rock

In Exodus 17, Moses recorded a time when the freemen of Israel put God to the test. The Israelites’ thirst grew, causing an uptick in their persuasion that death by dehydration may befall them. Under intense pressure from the thirsty people, Moses sought God’s help. The Lord responded to Moses’ prayers by commanding him to use his staff to strike the rock.

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Jesus Christ Nicolas Muyres Jesus Christ Nicolas Muyres

A Christmas Celebration

In the first chapter of John’s Gospel, he writes that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (v. 14). We stand in awe when we read this (or we ought to), because we are told that the eternal Son of God took on human flesh, and chose to live in the midst of his people.

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