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The Decalogue EP3: The First Commandment Pt 2
In this episode, we go over Q103 of the Westminster Larger Catechism. We discuss idolatry and what it means to have no other gods before Jesus Christ.
The Historical Books and the Need for a Savior
The comparison of Rahab and Achan reveals that Yahweh is still true to his Sinaitic promise, for the “thematic link between faith and success”[4] within the book of Joshua stems from God’s promises in Exodus 19:5-6
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 2: The 2nd Commandment & The RPW
This nullification of the purity in worship amongst the catholic (universal) church has been the result of believing that it is not limited by the scriptures in matters of worship and what's more, some “have come to regard divine worship as more or less a matter of indifference, to be determined according to human preference or convenience.”