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A Strong Defense - Psalm 119:42
How often do the saints of God feel ill equipped to answer those who come against our Lord? How quickly do we become dismayed with feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and weakness that overcome us when we are opposed by infidels? This is an all-to-often occurrence for the redeemed, but it ought not be.
Let Reproach Pass Away - Psalm 119:39
It is always the yearning of children to please their fathers and for them to see and feel their father’s smile. And the greater the compassion of the father, the greater the passion of his child is for him.
Confirm Your Promise - Psalm 119:38
But notice, the psalmist recognizes his station. He is God’s servant, his slave, subjected to the Lord and attending to the Lord’s will, rather than to his own. For, here we learn that many would wish to make the Lord their subject and require him to grant all that they have promised themselves in arrogant thoughtlessness.
Covenant in Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (4 Min)
Here, we will see how the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth carry on the covenant theme by depicting Israel’s conquest of Canaan and perseverance as a nation.
Allow Me Observance - Psalm 119:34
This is not a new desire of the Psalmist. He is continually asking for the Lord to give him understanding (Psalm 119:27). This repeated request is not vain redundancy, or futile repetition.
The Sin and Sorrow of Israel’s Kings - 7 Min Read
With this, the story advances with the military successes of David, reminiscent of Saul’s victory over the Ammonites.
Suicide Prevention: Made in His Image
Picture Ahithophel’s king, David, sleeping on his comfortable couch. He raises out of his slumber, stretches his arms, yawns, and shuffles his feet beneath himself, hoping to touch his elusive sandal with his ever-searching hallux.
Enlarge My Heart - Psalm 119:32 (4 Min Read)
Here is a man who is vigorous in the pursuit of his religion. He is zealous in chasing after God. Those who know with full assurance that they are going to heaven continually press forward and toward it.
Put To Shame - Psalm 119:31 (4 Min Read)
But see very clearly, beloved, the one who was put to shame on our behalf. Our Savior, Jesus Christ was lifted up upon an instrument of death, designed for criminals of the highest order.
The Way of Faithfulness - Psalm 119:30 (3 Min Read)
By these few words, the myth of neutrality is dispelled. Here, the psalmist is showing us a duty we have as Christians: we must continually choose the way of faithfulness.
Grace and Truth - Psalm 119:29 (5 Min Read)
And observe, the Psalmist doesn’t ask to be put near other Christians or to have false people removed from his sight, in order to be obedient. Instead, he recognizes that obeying the Lord is a matter of one's own heart, not one's circumstances.
You Answered Me - Psalm 119:26 (2 Min Read)
We may lay down at the feet of God, as beloved children, all that is upon our hearts. He is not unable to bear it. And then, he guides his children on the proper pathway. We have, as our God, a compassionate Father, full of mercy.
Give Me Life - Psalm 119:25 (3 Minute Read)
And here, we see that the word of God is not impotent, but is very relevant in any and every human experience, even this very common one of sorrow and depression.
My Delight…My Counselor… Psalm 119:24 (3 Minute Read)
It is not uncommon for those who are bold in heart and of face (Isaiah 50:7) for the Lord and his word to be plotted against by those around us. Because we are not greater than our Master, we can expect the type of treatment he received while on the earth (John 15:20).
Suicide Prevention: Made in His Image
Picture Ahithophel’s king, David, sleeping on his comfortable couch. He raises out of his slumber, stretches his arms, yawns, and shuffles his feet beneath himself, hoping to touch his elusive sandal with his ever-searching hallux.