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Resurrection Blessings
A confession without action is of little use. One way we can realize our confession is by meditating on the wonderful benefits that the resurrection bestows upon believers and worshipping God for those benefits.
Justification and Salvation
Our works, which may be called good, are only such as God has commanded in his word, and not those which are devised by men out of blind zeal, or upon any pretense of good intention (WCF 16.1).
A Promise of Forgiveness
When someone is raised with an expectation that what is needed for pardon is to degrade yourself until the offended feels better or continually apologize and grovel until you’ve learned your lesson, it's difficult to see how forgiveness can be so easy and free, or that someone would really desire to forgive you.
Limited Atonement
Imagine you’re going on a pleasant hike through some unnamed wood. You hear from a distance what sounds like rushing waters, babbling over rocks. Nostalgic sounds of sloshing water against the rivers edge begin to fill the air, till’ finally you reach it - the bank of the river.
Blogcast: Accepted In Christ
In this episode, we encourage those saints struggling with sin by examining Paul's message to the Corinthian church and WCF 17, Of the Perseverance of the Saints.
Accepted in Christ - (3 Min Read)
Paul knew full well the issues in the Corinthian church at that present moment. He did not set into writing this letter without full knowledge of the status of this congregation.
The Perfect Obedience & Sacrifice of Christ (8 Minutes)
The work of Christ is something that, frankly, boggles the mind; if indeed, one ponders upon it with sincerity. Grasp with me for a moment the unthinkable nature of what our Savior did for his elect. The very God who set all things as they are, with perfect purpose and power, designed to save his people.