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On Paedocommunion Pt 1 - Introduction To Paedocommunion
We’re concerned with the more pressing question regarding the participants in the Supper. Here, our interests are focused on “who may partake?” rather than “what does it mean to partake?” This question is indeed more pressing, because if we aren’t granting admittance to all those for whom Christ has given his body and blood, it will avail little to the church.
Jerusalem the Golden
Jerusalem the Golden is a hymn, composed by Alexander Ewing in 1853. He took the words from an ancient Medieval hymn, written by Bernard of Cluny in the 1100s.
The Lord’s Service: Covenant Renewal Worship
The Church reformed and is always reforming according to the Word of God. The Reformers lived by this principle in all aspects of the Christian life. Our understanding of the Scriptures and authority was reformed. Our understanding of salvation was reformed. Our understanding of people, families, and work was reformed. Everything was reformed.
Applying Exodus 20:8
The fourth commandment can be difficult to apply. Perhaps it is because we desire a clean list of do's-and-don'ts to keep, and without one, we struggle to forge our own record of rules to ensure we are found obedient.
God Will Forgive You
“You mean, all I have to do is drink this cup and I’ll be forgiven? All my sins will be wiped away?” Yes! Only in this cup, this blood, can God and man come and live together.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 6: What Should We Sing? (cont’d)
When we read Paul, therefore, it is imperative to get into his head in order to understand rightly what he is trying to convey to the original audience and the reader in every age.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 5: What Should We Sing? (8 Min Read)
In the Old Covenant, we see the temple and tabernacle as the special dwelling place of God among his people. “As symbols or types, these institutions pointed to a future fulfillment. That fulfillment is found in Jesus Christ, the full and final manifestation of God’s presence with His people.”