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Behold! - Psalm 119:40
There are times in life when we are afforded a mere taste of something spectacular. Be it food, or adventure, love, or satisfaction. A moment of sheer enjoyment - complete gratification
What’s Love Got to Do With It?
This letter was written to encourage, affirm, and establish the church in orthodox theology, in steadfast faith, and in assurance of salvation.
In The Path - Psalm 119:35
We see first, that the psalmist asks the Lord the “lead” him in the path. This can also been translated as “make me walk,” but the idea being conveyed is that of bending a bow. Before the archer makes ready his weapon he has but wood and string.
Allow Me Observance - Psalm 119:34
This is not a new desire of the Psalmist. He is continually asking for the Lord to give him understanding (Psalm 119:27). This repeated request is not vain redundancy, or futile repetition.
TBHF: Biblical Sufficiency PT 2
We take a quick look into the bible to see why believing in the sufficiency of the Bible is so important. We examine the "why" of biblical sufficiency, what this understanding does to us and for us, and what our motivation is for continuing in this way.
Of Good Works: WCF 16.1
Certainly, much of what Christ did was miraculous, but it is the underlying compassion, mercy, beneficence, and obedience to the Father that accompany them for which we are called to have as the underlying motivation in our own good works.
To The End - Psalm 119:33
if you have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, you have been given this will and this heart and this faith and you must avail yourself to them, lest you shrink back and your heart wander away
Enlarge My Heart - Psalm 119:32 (4 Min Read)
Here is a man who is vigorous in the pursuit of his religion. He is zealous in chasing after God. Those who know with full assurance that they are going to heaven continually press forward and toward it.
Blogcast: The Perfect Sacrifice & Obedience of Christ
In this episode, we examine Chapter 8 of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of Christ the Mediator
The Perfect Obedience & Sacrifice of Christ (8 Minutes)
The work of Christ is something that, frankly, boggles the mind; if indeed, one ponders upon it with sincerity. Grasp with me for a moment the unthinkable nature of what our Savior did for his elect. The very God who set all things as they are, with perfect purpose and power, designed to save his people.