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The Decalogue EP3: The First Commandment Pt 2
In this episode, we go over Q103 of the Westminster Larger Catechism. We discuss idolatry and what it means to have no other gods before Jesus Christ.
Episode 9: The Sin and Sorrow of Israel’s Kings
Join us in this episode as we examine how worldly sorrow led to the death of one king and how godly sorrow led to repentance for the other (2 Corinthians 7:10-11; 1 Samuel 16:13-14).
Blogcast: Counseling Theology: The Image of God In Man
In this blogcast, Nick writes about the image of God in man, what that means, and how we can have a sure identity which is derived from scripture.
R&C Podcast E5: The Vitality of Prayer
Join us in this episode as we walk through the first paragraph of the Directory for Family Worship and discuss the vitality of personal, family, and corporate prayer in the lives of God's people (Exodus 30:7-10; Psalm 141:2; Luke 1:8-10; Luke 11:1-4)
TBHF Podcast: Remember What God Has Done and Simple Money Principles
Today Nick talks about the next step in biblical change. We remember what God has done for us in Christ and this becomes our motivation for all the change we experience. We also talk about some very basic biblical principles about money and how to remain faithful in these days of inflation and a looming recession.
R&C Podcast: E3 Family Worship PT 2
We're back! Join Nick and John as they (re)launch the Reformed & Confessional Podcast!In this episode, we discuss Family Worship from a biblical and confessional perspective (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 5:25-27).
Blogcast: Grace & Truth
In this episode, we visit Psalm 119:29 and see where grace and truth meet perfectly: in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14).
Blogcast: Evangelism Day 2: When You Evangelize, Share the Whole Gospel
In this episode, we examine the contents of the gospel message in evangelism from the perspective of J.I. Packer in his book: Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God.
Podcast: Day 1: The First Advent
This introductory episode describes the primary purpose of Christ's first advent: to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
Blogcast: Calvinism: A Gateway To Covenant Theology
In this episode, we compare the language of Calvinism with Covenant Theology by examining God's choice to covenant with Abraham from among the other descendants of Noah.
Blogcast: Pragmatism and the Christian
Theology for all you busy folk!
Here, we read our blog regarding the nature of pragmatism and its tendency to undermine the Lord's prescriptions for corporate worship.