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Jerusalem the Golden
Jerusalem the Golden is a hymn, composed by Alexander Ewing in 1853. He took the words from an ancient Medieval hymn, written by Bernard of Cluny in the 1100s.
The Lord’s Service: Covenant Renewal Worship
The Church reformed and is always reforming according to the Word of God. The Reformers lived by this principle in all aspects of the Christian life. Our understanding of the Scriptures and authority was reformed. Our understanding of salvation was reformed. Our understanding of people, families, and work was reformed. Everything was reformed.
Doxology Doctrine: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
This charge asserts that worship through song consists, in part, of God’s people singing words that they understand. Therefore, to worship God through singing the first line of the Doxology, one must comprehend what it means that all blessings flow from Him
Three Ways to Sing the Psalms
We, as reformed, confessional Christians, argue that the Word of God is a sufficient rule for all of faith and life, and that includes our music. Our Triune God has given us a hymnbook, smack dab in the middle of our Bibles, and its contents should make up the majority of our worship.