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Communing with the Trinity
Three things may give us boldness in prayer. We have a Father to pray to, and the Spirit to help us pray, and an Advocate to present our prayers.
-Thomas Watson
Sing The Lord’s Prayer
This prayer is recorded in two of our Gospel accounts, both in Matthew and in Luke (11:2-4). The four Gospels being the first recognized books of the New Covenant[1], the early church recognized the importance of the Lord’s Prayer
Confirm Your Promise - Psalm 119:38
But notice, the psalmist recognizes his station. He is God’s servant, his slave, subjected to the Lord and attending to the Lord’s will, rather than to his own. For, here we learn that many would wish to make the Lord their subject and require him to grant all that they have promised themselves in arrogant thoughtlessness.
Prayer is Absolutely Amazing
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges for Christians. It is a poignant reminder that we are not only set apart as holy by the Lord but that we can come to Him with thanksgiving, issues, concerns, or needs at any moment.
R&C Podcast E5: The Vitality of Prayer
Join us in this episode as we walk through the first paragraph of the Directory for Family Worship and discuss the vitality of personal, family, and corporate prayer in the lives of God's people (Exodus 30:7-10; Psalm 141:2; Luke 1:8-10; Luke 11:1-4)
Sorrow to Strength - Psalm 119:28 (3 Min Read)
He was losing his composition due to the heaviness of his heart and the afflictions he was facing. And here we see a man who has a great burden, one beyond his ability to bear. And this is indeed not a foreign feeling for some of us. The feelings of being helpless, stuck, defeated, or brought low and without the ability or opportunity to climb out of this hole of despair.