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A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 3: The RPW Cont’d
The implication of this is the exact reason for having written it: The eternal Son of God resides with every single solitary manifestation of his body around the entire globe when they gather together on the Lord’s day to worship the one true living God! In the same way in the Old Testament, the tabernacle was a special place where God resided.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 1: A Starting Point
It seems that many find this command to be rather innocuous. In the first instance, we might say, well “I’m not making for myself a ‘carved image’ or any likeness of anything in heaven, on the Earth, or in the water, and I’m certainly not bowing down to them or serving them.” And this is more than likely an accurate statement, at least as it appears outwardly. However, we cannot be a people that look to the letter of the law and no further.