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God and Man
In preparation for this month’s podcast, where we will discuss Theology Proper and Anthropology utilizing Calvin’s Institutes, this brief survey of these two themes within the Pentateuch displays the biblical basis for God’s holiness and Man’s root problem: sin.
Counseling Theology - The Attributes of God and the Practical Implications of Each Attribute For Life and Counseling
The idea of God’s wrath is, while an attribute of God, does not exist in a vacuum, and stems ultimately from the holiness and love of God. It is the holiness and righteousness of God that requires his wrath upon sin and sinners alike.
Counseling Theology: the Trinity, and its biblical basis
The Athanasian Creed has been used since the 16th century, when it was written - supposedly by Athanasius of Alexandria - to assist in our understanding of the Trinity. The Creed states:
Counseling Theology - Noetic Effects of Sin & The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Understand The Human Condition
Although common grace exists and is glorious, this does not mean that everything that an unbeliever says or does is therefore correct. Sin has so corrupted every single aspect of life that every part of our being is affected by this curse, up to and including our minds.
Counseling Theology - Common Grace and The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Truly Understand The Human Condition.
Common grace is the language we use to describe and understand God and his bountiful kindness on all that he has created.
General Revelation, Special Revelation, Their Authority, and Their Relationship to One Another
God has so implanted his law in all men so that all people know what is right and wrong from the start.
Counseling Theology - The Continuation of Revelation
Those who advocate for continued revelation either do not see how their misled desire for God to continue speaking destroys the canon of scripture, or there is a lack of care in regards to the use and misuse of God’s word.
Counseling Theology - Sufficiency of The Bible (7 Min Read)
The sufficiency of the bible is under serious attack in our world today. Not is it under attack from secular culture - which is where we would expect to see this - but also from within the church.
Counseling Theology - Innerancy, Inspiration, Authority
The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the bible all relate to one another because they are all necessarily required and they all flow into one another.