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Patron Exclusive Article: An Empathetic Plea
Biblical sympathy is the ability (not the necessity) to feel what someone else feels as well as the ability to understand how others feel. It is the capacity to feel another person’s feelings, thoughts, or attitudes vicariously, as a distinct and separate person, coming alongside a sufferer for their help and betterment.
Justification and Salvation
Our works, which may be called good, are only such as God has commanded in his word, and not those which are devised by men out of blind zeal, or upon any pretense of good intention (WCF 16.1).
Counseling Theology - The Attributes of God and the Practical Implications of Each Attribute For Life and Counseling
The idea of God’s wrath is, while an attribute of God, does not exist in a vacuum, and stems ultimately from the holiness and love of God. It is the holiness and righteousness of God that requires his wrath upon sin and sinners alike.
Counseling Theology - Noetic Effects of Sin & The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Understand The Human Condition
Although common grace exists and is glorious, this does not mean that everything that an unbeliever says or does is therefore correct. Sin has so corrupted every single aspect of life that every part of our being is affected by this curse, up to and including our minds.
Counseling Theology - Innerancy, Inspiration, Authority
The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the bible all relate to one another because they are all necessarily required and they all flow into one another.
TBHF: Biblical Sufficiency PT 2
We take a quick look into the bible to see why believing in the sufficiency of the Bible is so important. We examine the "why" of biblical sufficiency, what this understanding does to us and for us, and what our motivation is for continuing in this way.
Put To Shame - Psalm 119:31 (4 Min Read)
But see very clearly, beloved, the one who was put to shame on our behalf. Our Savior, Jesus Christ was lifted up upon an instrument of death, designed for criminals of the highest order.
Blogcast: The Name of the Lord
In this episode, we exalt the everlasting name of the Lord, beginning in Psalm 135.
Grace and Truth - Psalm 119:29 (5 Min Read)
And observe, the Psalmist doesn’t ask to be put near other Christians or to have false people removed from his sight, in order to be obedient. Instead, he recognizes that obeying the Lord is a matter of one's own heart, not one's circumstances.