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Creation & Fall (Genesis 1)
If we are moving toward that view of glory, and we have the blessed assurance of God’s promise that it will happen, we ought to be joyful and triumphant, building the Kingdom of God by the proclamation of the Gospel, one generation at a time.
Counseling Theology: Proper Roles of Men and Women
It should be said, however, that in almost every point of argument from the egalitarian side I would have some degree of agreement.
The Folly of Atheism PT 1
Atheism is the worldview of fools. It touts itself as intellectual and scientific but is nothing more than a philosophy masquerading as neutral and objective.
Christ Has Established Reality (Genesis 1:1-2:3)
Have you ever told someone that the world does not revolve around them? It is natural for us to become self-absorbed in our own created false realities. The point is we cannot trust our own derived reality. So how do we know what reality is?
Adam And Eve Were Never Perfect
There’s a common misnomer applied to Adam and Eve regarding their pre-Fall nature, and you’ve probably heard it before. The statement is that before the Fall, Adam and Eve were “perfect”.
General Revelation, Special Revelation, Their Authority, and Their Relationship to One Another
God has so implanted his law in all men so that all people know what is right and wrong from the start.