Take Up & Read

Devotional, Psalm 119 Nicolas Muyres Devotional, Psalm 119 Nicolas Muyres

Confirm Your Promise - Psalm 119:38

But notice, the psalmist recognizes his station. He is God’s servant, his slave, subjected to the Lord and attending to the Lord’s will, rather than to his own. For, here we learn that many would wish to make the Lord their subject and require him to grant all that they have promised themselves in arrogant thoughtlessness.

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God Nicolas Muyres God Nicolas Muyres

The Name of The Lord (8 Minute Read)

As service came to a close this Lord’s day, we sang Psalm 135B and it was a glorious time indeed! Before the congregation took up their Psalters to teach and admonish one another with the word of God, our pastor made a warming point from this psalm. We were told of the permanence, the ubiquity, the eternal nature of God's name. His name - and not our own - is the name that will permeate throughout time eternal and will transcend this age. It will be sung in the age to come! What an absolutely glorious thought!

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