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God ReformConfess God ReformConfess

Blog: The Heavenly Proprietor

In this episode, we present the idea of God's proprietary rights over all that he has made (Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Psalm 130:8; Galatians 4:5; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 50:12; Psalm 89:11).

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God John Fry God John Fry

The Heavenly Proprietor

If it appeals to your logic that when an inventor creates something then he or she gets proprietary rights over his creation, how much more sense does it make that we should recognize the Preeminent Creator as the Owner over “The world, and all those who dwell in it” (Psalm 24:1)?

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Devotional, Psalm 119 Nicolas Muyres Devotional, Psalm 119 Nicolas Muyres

Confirm Your Promise - Psalm 119:38

But notice, the psalmist recognizes his station. He is God’s servant, his slave, subjected to the Lord and attending to the Lord’s will, rather than to his own. For, here we learn that many would wish to make the Lord their subject and require him to grant all that they have promised themselves in arrogant thoughtlessness.

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Psalm 119, Devotional Nicolas Muyres Psalm 119, Devotional Nicolas Muyres

In The Path - Psalm 119:35

We see first, that the psalmist asks the Lord the “lead” him in the path. This can also been translated as “make me walk,” but the idea being conveyed is that of bending a bow. Before the archer makes ready his weapon he has but wood and string.

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Podcast ReformConfess Podcast ReformConfess

Blogcast: Adam And Eve Were Never Perfect

Were Adam and Eve perfect? Well not necessarily. We are often told things in our traditions and families that aren't actually in accordance with the bible. So, it's good to reorient ourselves to the scripture and reconsider some things - especially something like this!

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Genesis David Chambers Genesis David Chambers

Adam And Eve Were Never Perfect

There’s a common misnomer applied to Adam and Eve regarding their pre-Fall nature, and you’ve probably heard it before.  The statement is that before the Fall, Adam and Eve were “perfect”. 

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Worship Nicolas Muyres Worship Nicolas Muyres

A Treatise on Exclusive Psalmody Part 7: Conclusion

No, rather this is a sacrifice that is in keeping with each and every sacrifice to God we see in all of scripture. He defines what it is and how it is brought. And he has clearly shown us in his word, by giving us the very words to bring to him as a sacrifice of praise from our lips: the Psalms. God will not accept a wrong or unauthorized sacrifice.

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Jesus Christ John Fry Jesus Christ John Fry

Water From The Rock

In Exodus 17, Moses recorded a time when the freemen of Israel put God to the test. The Israelites’ thirst grew, causing an uptick in their persuasion that death by dehydration may befall them. Under intense pressure from the thirsty people, Moses sought God’s help. The Lord responded to Moses’ prayers by commanding him to use his staff to strike the rock.

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Culture Aaron Koen Culture Aaron Koen

The Hypocrisy of the American Christian Culture

When the days are evil, when hurt and confusion prevail, when uncertainty pervades every thought, and when our faith is weak; may we draw near to each other in the congregation of the Saints to draw encouragement, so that we do not waver from the profession of our most Holy Faith.

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