Take Up & Read

The Reformation Nicolas Muyres The Reformation Nicolas Muyres

Ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda! The Church Reformed and Always Reforming

The Christian heritage is rich and deep, vast and wide. We should be proud of it, and exult in the work the Lord has done in times past, even up to our day, and pray that he would continue to grow his church in faith and gratitude. But the church, in every age, must not sit on its laurels, so to speak, and be content with past achievements. This is not the way new generations are grown, or wars won, or faithfulness endures.

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Biblical Counseling Nicolas Muyres Biblical Counseling Nicolas Muyres

A Five-Fold Taxonomy (12 Min Read)

At the outset, we notice that David’s sin did not begin and end with his actual adultery, but it began here, as David was walking on the roof of the king’s house. David had sent out his army with great skill to ravage and besiege his enemies. While this was occurring, however, David’s heart was being ravaged and besieged by sinful lust and adultery

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