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Limited Atonement
Imagine you’re going on a pleasant hike through some unnamed wood. You hear from a distance what sounds like rushing waters, babbling over rocks. Nostalgic sounds of sloshing water against the rivers edge begin to fill the air, till’ finally you reach it - the bank of the river.
Counseling Theology: the Trinity, and its biblical basis
The Athanasian Creed has been used since the 16th century, when it was written - supposedly by Athanasius of Alexandria - to assist in our understanding of the Trinity. The Creed states:
Counseling Theology - The Continuation of Revelation
Those who advocate for continued revelation either do not see how their misled desire for God to continue speaking destroys the canon of scripture, or there is a lack of care in regards to the use and misuse of God’s word.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 1 of 5) - 4 Min Read
Whatever one's view of Calvin, there is no denying that this "complicated" man had a major influence on the development of the Protestant church and theology for years to come.
R&C Podcast: E3 Family Worship PT 2
We're back! Join Nick and John as they (re)launch the Reformed & Confessional Podcast!In this episode, we discuss Family Worship from a biblical and confessional perspective (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 5:25-27).
A History of the First Thanksgiving (10 Min Read)
It is impossible for a secular culture to truly celebrate a day of giving thanks because they do not give thanks to God.
Give Me Life - Psalm 119:25 (3 Minute Read)
And here, we see that the word of God is not impotent, but is very relevant in any and every human experience, even this very common one of sorrow and depression.
My Delight…My Counselor… Psalm 119:24 (3 Minute Read)
It is not uncommon for those who are bold in heart and of face (Isaiah 50:7) for the Lord and his word to be plotted against by those around us. Because we are not greater than our Master, we can expect the type of treatment he received while on the earth (John 15:20).