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Counseling Theology - Innerancy, Inspiration, Authority
The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the bible all relate to one another because they are all necessarily required and they all flow into one another.
Becoming Like Children
So when we look at children, what are we supposed to see? Children are helplessly dependent and this in turn forces their humility.
A Treatise on Exclusive Psalmody Part 7: Conclusion
No, rather this is a sacrifice that is in keeping with each and every sacrifice to God we see in all of scripture. He defines what it is and how it is brought. And he has clearly shown us in his word, by giving us the very words to bring to him as a sacrifice of praise from our lips: the Psalms. God will not accept a wrong or unauthorized sacrifice.
My Delight…My Counselor… Psalm 119:24 (3 Minute Read)
It is not uncommon for those who are bold in heart and of face (Isaiah 50:7) for the Lord and his word to be plotted against by those around us. Because we are not greater than our Master, we can expect the type of treatment he received while on the earth (John 15:20).
The Hypocrisy of the American Christian Culture
When the days are evil, when hurt and confusion prevail, when uncertainty pervades every thought, and when our faith is weak; may we draw near to each other in the congregation of the Saints to draw encouragement, so that we do not waver from the profession of our most Holy Faith.
Three Changes Following Conversion
The world is not as it should be. No surprises there. After all, looking at the front page of any news outlet immediately reveals how messed up things are. How is it, then, that a large percentage of Westerners believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth?