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Pentateuch John Fry Pentateuch John Fry

Theology of the Pentateuch: A Primer

Since the Pentateuch consists of God’s revelation of himself, his creation, and his redemption of his creation, a proper theology of the Pentateuch studies and presents the concepts of God, Humanity, and Salvation within the first five books of the Old Testament.

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Podcast ReformConfess Podcast ReformConfess

Blogcast: Reformation Mentality - 9.5 Theses

Theology for all you busy folk!

In this episode, we recall the heroic boldness of the reformers and call the church to continual reform. Unlike Martin Luther's 95 Theses, we kept it a little shorter with 9.5 Theses. Happy Reformation Day!

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Biblical Counseling Nicolas Muyres Biblical Counseling Nicolas Muyres

A Five-Fold Taxonomy (12 Min Read)

At the outset, we notice that David’s sin did not begin and end with his actual adultery, but it began here, as David was walking on the roof of the king’s house. David had sent out his army with great skill to ravage and besiege his enemies. While this was occurring, however, David’s heart was being ravaged and besieged by sinful lust and adultery

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Exegetical Studies John Fry Exegetical Studies John Fry

God is Faithful: An Exegetical Study of 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Part 1

This predicament, conversion within a sinful culture, requires many new Christians to overcome the vast temptations present within a community of predominantly pagan people. Such circumstances compel Paul to inform the believers in Corinth that God provides endurance and escape amid temptation, a truth whose sustenance rests in the immutable faithfulness of a Sovereign God.

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God Nicolas Muyres God Nicolas Muyres

The Name of The Lord (8 Minute Read)

As service came to a close this Lord’s day, we sang Psalm 135B and it was a glorious time indeed! Before the congregation took up their Psalters to teach and admonish one another with the word of God, our pastor made a warming point from this psalm. We were told of the permanence, the ubiquity, the eternal nature of God's name. His name - and not our own - is the name that will permeate throughout time eternal and will transcend this age. It will be sung in the age to come! What an absolutely glorious thought!

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Christian Life Aaron Koen Christian Life Aaron Koen

Pragmatism and the Christian

Pragmatism is the practical or realistic approach to solving problems or the idea that the results themselves confirm the validity of the methods used and is often found in Christian circles. For example, if a method of evangelism doesn’t work by people confessing Christ, then one will look for another or different method to use for evangelism.

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Calvinism John Fry Calvinism John Fry

Calvinism: A Gateway to Covenant Theology (8 Minute Read)

Not every Calvinist adheres to the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith or the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. Many godly men and women, brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, adhere to the doctrines of grace in salvation without embracing Covenant Theology. The purpose of this brief article is to propose to these fellow soldiers in the faith to consider an embrace of Covenant Theology on the basis that biblical covenants correspond with the doctrine of Unconditional Election.

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Confessions of Fatih David Chambers Confessions of Fatih David Chambers

Truly Man Part 1: The Road to Chalcedon

The humanity of Christ is essential to our salvation. That may seem like a given. After all, how could we be redeemed and then represented by One who doesn’t share our nature? Besides, it’s “obvious” in our time that Jesus was human. Everyone, apart from the ignorant or intellectually dishonest, agrees that Jesus was a human who lived some 2000 years ago in the Roman province of Palestine.

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Jesus Christ John Fry Jesus Christ John Fry

Water From The Rock

In Exodus 17, Moses recorded a time when the freemen of Israel put God to the test. The Israelites’ thirst grew, causing an uptick in their persuasion that death by dehydration may befall them. Under intense pressure from the thirsty people, Moses sought God’s help. The Lord responded to Moses’ prayers by commanding him to use his staff to strike the rock.

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Worship Nicolas Muyres Worship Nicolas Muyres

A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 3: The RPW Cont’d

The implication of this is the exact reason for having written it: The eternal Son of God resides with every single solitary manifestation of his body around the entire globe when they gather together on the Lord’s day to worship the one true living God! In the same way in the Old Testament, the tabernacle was a special place where God resided.

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Hermeneutics Derrick Brite Hermeneutics Derrick Brite

A Confessional Hermeneutic

Among the number of alarming trends growing in the broader evangelical church is the prevailing attitude of “Bible alone” in hermeneutics and theological interpretation. More and more, laypeople and pastors alike are looking to lose tradition in favor of biblicism. This trend is unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst.

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