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Blogcast: The Fulfillment Of The Law
In this episode, we examine Chapter 8 of the Second London Baptist Confession: Of Christ the Mediator.
Slavery To Sin (10 Min Read)
Slavery to sin is a slavery unlike any other. It is a bondage that is rivaled by no other form in any other time. It is a taskmaster that is more heinous, ruthless, relentless, conniving, deceiving, and destructive than any other that has ever or will ever exist. Sin demands more, and takes more than any slave on Earth has ever given.
To The End - Psalm 119:33
if you have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, you have been given this will and this heart and this faith and you must avail yourself to them, lest you shrink back and your heart wander away
A Treatise on Exclusive Psalmody Part 7: Conclusion
No, rather this is a sacrifice that is in keeping with each and every sacrifice to God we see in all of scripture. He defines what it is and how it is brought. And he has clearly shown us in his word, by giving us the very words to bring to him as a sacrifice of praise from our lips: the Psalms. God will not accept a wrong or unauthorized sacrifice.
Enlarge My Heart - Psalm 119:32 (4 Min Read)
Here is a man who is vigorous in the pursuit of his religion. He is zealous in chasing after God. Those who know with full assurance that they are going to heaven continually press forward and toward it.
Blogcast: The Perfect Sacrifice & Obedience of Christ
In this episode, we examine Chapter 8 of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of Christ the Mediator
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Concentric Circles of Context (3 Min Read)
I rely on my yearly Bible reading to help me understand the given Testament’s context, so there is no pressure to read the entire Old or New Testament at once to understand a singular word or verse.
Put To Shame - Psalm 119:31 (4 Min Read)
But see very clearly, beloved, the one who was put to shame on our behalf. Our Savior, Jesus Christ was lifted up upon an instrument of death, designed for criminals of the highest order.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 6: What Should We Sing? (cont’d)
When we read Paul, therefore, it is imperative to get into his head in order to understand rightly what he is trying to convey to the original audience and the reader in every age.
Podcast: Day 1: The First Advent
This introductory episode describes the primary purpose of Christ's first advent: to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
The Way of Faithfulness - Psalm 119:30 (3 Min Read)
By these few words, the myth of neutrality is dispelled. Here, the psalmist is showing us a duty we have as Christians: we must continually choose the way of faithfulness.
Blogcast: The Name of the Lord
In this episode, we exalt the everlasting name of the Lord, beginning in Psalm 135.
A History of the First Thanksgiving (10 Min Read)
It is impossible for a secular culture to truly celebrate a day of giving thanks because they do not give thanks to God.
Grace and Truth - Psalm 119:29 (5 Min Read)
And observe, the Psalmist doesn’t ask to be put near other Christians or to have false people removed from his sight, in order to be obedient. Instead, he recognizes that obeying the Lord is a matter of one's own heart, not one's circumstances.
Introducing: The Twelve Days of Advent
Should we utilize pagan practices to usher in the celebration of the Savior’s incarnation? Especially for a Savior who died to rescue his people from their pagan practices
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Context Determines Meaning (5 Min Read)
One of the most foundational tenets of biblical interpretation is the phrase: “Context Determines Meaning.”
Sorrow to Strength - Psalm 119:28 (3 Min Read)
He was losing his composition due to the heaviness of his heart and the afflictions he was facing. And here we see a man who has a great burden, one beyond his ability to bear. And this is indeed not a foreign feeling for some of us. The feelings of being helpless, stuck, defeated, or brought low and without the ability or opportunity to climb out of this hole of despair.
Blogcast: Calvinism: A Gateway To Covenant Theology
In this episode, we compare the language of Calvinism with Covenant Theology by examining God's choice to covenant with Abraham from among the other descendants of Noah.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 5: What Should We Sing? (8 Min Read)
In the Old Covenant, we see the temple and tabernacle as the special dwelling place of God among his people. “As symbols or types, these institutions pointed to a future fulfillment. That fulfillment is found in Jesus Christ, the full and final manifestation of God’s presence with His people.”
Make Me Understand - Psalm 119:27 (3 Min Read)
But, here he is not concerned with prophetic visions or those subtle points of the law, but rather he is concerned with those general rules that regulate behavior and thought, here described as “the way of your precepts.”