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The Parable of the Ten Talents
There are a lot of last things. Death row inmates get a last meal before execution. Sometimes people get to say last words before their deaths, but in each of these times there is one thing in common: Usually what is said is very important.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 3 of 5) - 6 Min Read
When Calvin arrived in Geneva the Reformation had just penetrated her walls. William Farel was a gifted speaker who could move a crowd, however, his tone was harsh and his personality abrasive.
Prayer is Absolutely Amazing
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges for Christians. It is a poignant reminder that we are not only set apart as holy by the Lord but that we can come to Him with thanksgiving, issues, concerns, or needs at any moment.
R&C Podcast E5: The Vitality of Prayer
Join us in this episode as we walk through the first paragraph of the Directory for Family Worship and discuss the vitality of personal, family, and corporate prayer in the lives of God's people (Exodus 30:7-10; Psalm 141:2; Luke 1:8-10; Luke 11:1-4)
General Revelation, Special Revelation, Their Authority, and Their Relationship to One Another
God has so implanted his law in all men so that all people know what is right and wrong from the start.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Historical Context (5 Min Read)
The details about the historical context surrounding 1 Corinthians in these paragraphs help the reader understand why Paul devotes so much content to the topics of sexual immorality and idolatry in his epistle.
Blogcast: Evangelism Day 4: Friendship is the Prime Ground for Evangelism
In this episode, we examine how friendship acts as a fertile soil for planting and watering gospel seeds (John 1:40-51; Acts 17:26).
TBHF Podcast: Remember What God Has Done and Simple Money Principles
Today Nick talks about the next step in biblical change. We remember what God has done for us in Christ and this becomes our motivation for all the change we experience. We also talk about some very basic biblical principles about money and how to remain faithful in these days of inflation and a looming recession.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 2 of 5) - 4 Min Read
Calvin continued his studies bouncing between Paris and Orleans, and in 1533 experienced a sudden conversion and saw the corruption of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
Counseling Theology - The Continuation of Revelation
Those who advocate for continued revelation either do not see how their misled desire for God to continue speaking destroys the canon of scripture, or there is a lack of care in regards to the use and misuse of God’s word.
R&C Podcast: Is the Moral Law Still Applicable?
Join Nick and John as they discuss the modern-day applicability of the moral law in preparation for the upcoming series on The Ten Commandments (Genesis 3:15; 15:17-21; John 14:15)!
Sometimes the Humble Response is Simply, “Thank You.”
Saying “thank you” isn’t building yourself up in a tower of pride, it is humbly responding to truths that are only true because of what Christ has done for you.
Counseling Theology - Sufficiency of The Bible (7 Min Read)
The sufficiency of the bible is under serious attack in our world today. Not is it under attack from secular culture - which is where we would expect to see this - but also from within the church.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 1 of 5) - 4 Min Read
Whatever one's view of Calvin, there is no denying that this "complicated" man had a major influence on the development of the Protestant church and theology for years to come.
The Sin and Sorrow of Israel’s Kings - 7 Min Read
With this, the story advances with the military successes of David, reminiscent of Saul’s victory over the Ammonites.
God is Faithful: An Exegetical Study on 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Part 2
The apostle’s confidence in the absolute security of believers was founded not on the strength of their resolutions or ability to persevere, but on the veracity of him that cannot lie.
Counseling Theology - Innerancy, Inspiration, Authority
The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the bible all relate to one another because they are all necessarily required and they all flow into one another.
TBHF: Biblical Sufficiency PT 2
We take a quick look into the bible to see why believing in the sufficiency of the Bible is so important. We examine the "why" of biblical sufficiency, what this understanding does to us and for us, and what our motivation is for continuing in this way.
R&C Podcast: E3 Family Worship PT 2
We're back! Join Nick and John as they (re)launch the Reformed & Confessional Podcast!In this episode, we discuss Family Worship from a biblical and confessional perspective (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 5:25-27).
In Remembrance of Me
In my lifetime, I have heard significantly more teaching on the blood of Christ than on the body of Christ. Consequently, I typically have more scripture in my mind about Christ's blood on the cross than I do about Christ's body on the cross at communion.