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Patron Exclusive Article: An Empathetic Plea
Biblical sympathy is the ability (not the necessity) to feel what someone else feels as well as the ability to understand how others feel. It is the capacity to feel another person’s feelings, thoughts, or attitudes vicariously, as a distinct and separate person, coming alongside a sufferer for their help and betterment.
General Revelation, Special Revelation, Their Authority, and Their Relationship to One Another
God has so implanted his law in all men so that all people know what is right and wrong from the start.
Counseling Theology - The Continuation of Revelation
Those who advocate for continued revelation either do not see how their misled desire for God to continue speaking destroys the canon of scripture, or there is a lack of care in regards to the use and misuse of God’s word.
R&C Podcast: Is the Moral Law Still Applicable?
Join Nick and John as they discuss the modern-day applicability of the moral law in preparation for the upcoming series on The Ten Commandments (Genesis 3:15; 15:17-21; John 14:15)!
Counseling Theology - Sufficiency of The Bible (7 Min Read)
The sufficiency of the bible is under serious attack in our world today. Not is it under attack from secular culture - which is where we would expect to see this - but also from within the church.
Counseling Theology - Innerancy, Inspiration, Authority
The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the bible all relate to one another because they are all necessarily required and they all flow into one another.
R&C Podcast: E3 Family Worship PT 2
We're back! Join Nick and John as they (re)launch the Reformed & Confessional Podcast!In this episode, we discuss Family Worship from a biblical and confessional perspective (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 5:25-27).
Blogcast: Grace & Truth
In this episode, we visit Psalm 119:29 and see where grace and truth meet perfectly: in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14).
The Bogomil Debacle: How Canon Protects Sound Doctrine - 5 Min Read
Thinking back to the topic of the 66 books of Canon, I wonder what could have guarded the Bogomils against the belief and fallout of dualism?
Of Good Works: WCF 16.1
Certainly, much of what Christ did was miraculous, but it is the underlying compassion, mercy, beneficence, and obedience to the Father that accompany them for which we are called to have as the underlying motivation in our own good works.
Blogcast: The Fulfillment Of The Law
In this episode, we examine Chapter 8 of the Second London Baptist Confession: Of Christ the Mediator.
Slavery To Sin (10 Min Read)
Slavery to sin is a slavery unlike any other. It is a bondage that is rivaled by no other form in any other time. It is a taskmaster that is more heinous, ruthless, relentless, conniving, deceiving, and destructive than any other that has ever or will ever exist. Sin demands more, and takes more than any slave on Earth has ever given.
The Way of Faithfulness - Psalm 119:30 (3 Min Read)
By these few words, the myth of neutrality is dispelled. Here, the psalmist is showing us a duty we have as Christians: we must continually choose the way of faithfulness.
Blogcast: The Name of the Lord
In this episode, we exalt the everlasting name of the Lord, beginning in Psalm 135.
Make Me Understand - Psalm 119:27 (3 Min Read)
But, here he is not concerned with prophetic visions or those subtle points of the law, but rather he is concerned with those general rules that regulate behavior and thought, here described as “the way of your precepts.”
Theology of the Pentateuch: A Primer
Since the Pentateuch consists of God’s revelation of himself, his creation, and his redemption of his creation, a proper theology of the Pentateuch studies and presents the concepts of God, Humanity, and Salvation within the first five books of the Old Testament.
You Answered Me - Psalm 119:26 (2 Min Read)
We may lay down at the feet of God, as beloved children, all that is upon our hearts. He is not unable to bear it. And then, he guides his children on the proper pathway. We have, as our God, a compassionate Father, full of mercy.
Give Me Life - Psalm 119:25 (3 Minute Read)
And here, we see that the word of God is not impotent, but is very relevant in any and every human experience, even this very common one of sorrow and depression.
A Confessional Hermeneutic
Among the number of alarming trends growing in the broader evangelical church is the prevailing attitude of “Bible alone” in hermeneutics and theological interpretation. More and more, laypeople and pastors alike are looking to lose tradition in favor of biblicism. This trend is unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst.