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On Paedocommunion Pt 3 - Wolfgang Musculus
Wolfgang Musculus was, as Richad Muller says, one of the “important second-generation codifiers of the reformed faith”[1] alongside Calvin, Vermigli, and Hyperius.
Counseling Theology: the Trinity, and its biblical basis
The Athanasian Creed has been used since the 16th century, when it was written - supposedly by Athanasius of Alexandria - to assist in our understanding of the Trinity. The Creed states:
Counseling Theology - Common Grace and The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Truly Understand The Human Condition.
Common grace is the language we use to describe and understand God and his bountiful kindness on all that he has created.
The Parable of the Ten Talents
There are a lot of last things. Death row inmates get a last meal before execution. Sometimes people get to say last words before their deaths, but in each of these times there is one thing in common: Usually what is said is very important.
Counseling Theology - Sufficiency of The Bible (7 Min Read)
The sufficiency of the bible is under serious attack in our world today. Not is it under attack from secular culture - which is where we would expect to see this - but also from within the church.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 1 of 5) - 4 Min Read
Whatever one's view of Calvin, there is no denying that this "complicated" man had a major influence on the development of the Protestant church and theology for years to come.
Hope And Suffering (5 Min Read)
I don’t think it is possible to have a genuine relationship with someone without eventually conversing about suffering and sharing the ways that you have suffered in this life. We all suffer.
A Treatise on Exclusive Psalmody Part 7: Conclusion
No, rather this is a sacrifice that is in keeping with each and every sacrifice to God we see in all of scripture. He defines what it is and how it is brought. And he has clearly shown us in his word, by giving us the very words to bring to him as a sacrifice of praise from our lips: the Psalms. God will not accept a wrong or unauthorized sacrifice.
Blogcast: The Name of the Lord
In this episode, we exalt the everlasting name of the Lord, beginning in Psalm 135.
Introducing: The Twelve Days of Advent
Should we utilize pagan practices to usher in the celebration of the Savior’s incarnation? Especially for a Savior who died to rescue his people from their pagan practices
Sorrow to Strength - Psalm 119:28 (3 Min Read)
He was losing his composition due to the heaviness of his heart and the afflictions he was facing. And here we see a man who has a great burden, one beyond his ability to bear. And this is indeed not a foreign feeling for some of us. The feelings of being helpless, stuck, defeated, or brought low and without the ability or opportunity to climb out of this hole of despair.
Theology of the Pentateuch: A Primer
Since the Pentateuch consists of God’s revelation of himself, his creation, and his redemption of his creation, a proper theology of the Pentateuch studies and presents the concepts of God, Humanity, and Salvation within the first five books of the Old Testament.
Water From The Rock
In Exodus 17, Moses recorded a time when the freemen of Israel put God to the test. The Israelites’ thirst grew, causing an uptick in their persuasion that death by dehydration may befall them. Under intense pressure from the thirsty people, Moses sought God’s help. The Lord responded to Moses’ prayers by commanding him to use his staff to strike the rock.