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Counseling Theology: Dichotomy. Counseling implications. Inner and Outer Man.
It is customary, especially in Christian circles, to conceive of man as consisting of two, and only two, distinct parts, namely, body and soul. This view is technically called dichotomy.
Blogcast: Counseling Theology: The Image of God In Man
In this blogcast, Nick writes about the image of God in man, what that means, and how we can have a sure identity which is derived from scripture.
Adam And Eve Were Never Perfect
There’s a common misnomer applied to Adam and Eve regarding their pre-Fall nature, and you’ve probably heard it before. The statement is that before the Fall, Adam and Eve were “perfect”.
Augustine’s Philosophy of History in the City of God
When considering what Augustine set out to do when he wrote the City of God one must realize he was not actually trying to write a historical account of the sacking of Rome or even its implications.
Blogcast: The Transcendence and Immanence of God in Jesus Christ
In this Blogcast, M. Aaron Koen shows us the condescension of Jesus Christ and the consistent message that has been proclaimed from Abraham to now!
Foundations of Canon
Throughout the early church's formation and progression, certain inscrutable doctrines gave way to a multiplicity of interpretations. Inevitably, a division formed, and the need for uniform recognition regarding the authority of scriptures arose.
Counseling Theology: The Image of God In Man
The question of identity is a perennial one. A question that our American culture seems to be struggling to know and understand more than ever before - at least in my life time.
The Transcendence and Immanence of God in Jesus Christ - Hebrews 1:1-2
The Epistle of the Hebrews begins by addressing the reality that God condescends himself to interact with His creation. The medium that God chose was through the Prophets in the days of old which has its terminal fulfillment in the Son of God.
Elect Infants: Revised and Updated
The publication of this revised and expanded article is for the benefit of all those who have lost their children in death, and eagerly await to see them once more in heaven, when every tear is wiped away, and death shall be no more.
Limited Atonement
Imagine you’re going on a pleasant hike through some unnamed wood. You hear from a distance what sounds like rushing waters, babbling over rocks. Nostalgic sounds of sloshing water against the rivers edge begin to fill the air, till’ finally you reach it - the bank of the river.
Helping Your Hermeneutic: Repetition (5 Min Read)
A repetition in our Bible occurs when the same word, phrase, sentence, or concept appears more than once within a definitive space. This defined “space” might be a singular verse, chapter, book, testament, or even the entire Bible.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 5 of 5) - 5 Min Read
Geneva had not fared well in Calvin’s absence. They had expelled many of the preachers who supported Calvin, and there was constant infighting and even calls to return to Rome.
Counseling Theology - The Attributes of God and the Practical Implications of Each Attribute For Life and Counseling
The idea of God’s wrath is, while an attribute of God, does not exist in a vacuum, and stems ultimately from the holiness and love of God. It is the holiness and righteousness of God that requires his wrath upon sin and sinners alike.
Counseling Theology: the Trinity, and its biblical basis
The Athanasian Creed has been used since the 16th century, when it was written - supposedly by Athanasius of Alexandria - to assist in our understanding of the Trinity. The Creed states:
A Man After God’s Heart
The following is a sermon manuscript delivered at a Men’s Fellowship on July 15, 2022 at Freedom Church in Dayton, OH.
Allow Me Observance - Psalm 119:34
This is not a new desire of the Psalmist. He is continually asking for the Lord to give him understanding (Psalm 119:27). This repeated request is not vain redundancy, or futile repetition.
Counseling Theology - Noetic Effects of Sin & The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Understand The Human Condition
Although common grace exists and is glorious, this does not mean that everything that an unbeliever says or does is therefore correct. Sin has so corrupted every single aspect of life that every part of our being is affected by this curse, up to and including our minds.
Counseling Theology - Common Grace and The Ability of Secular Psychologists to Truly Understand The Human Condition.
Common grace is the language we use to describe and understand God and his bountiful kindness on all that he has created.
A Brief Introduction to the Life of Calvin (Part 4 of 5) - 4 Min Read
Often the things that are most painful cause the most growth. Calvin was unceremoniously kicked out of Geneva in 1538, and honestly, he deserved it.
A Conversation With Jeremy Shaffer
On Saturday June 26th, My family and I went to a yearly festival that is held in a town near where we live. There are bounce houses, firefighters, police officers, and EMS there allowing the kids to look through their trucks, and fight pretend fires.