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Episode 14: God’s Being and Glory
In this episode, we continue examining the WLC Q7 by studying two aspects of God's infinity: Being and Glory (Exodus 3:14; Acts 7:2; John 11:4).
Counseling Theology: Proper Roles of Men and Women
It should be said, however, that in almost every point of argument from the egalitarian side I would have some degree of agreement.
The Heavenly Proprietor
If it appeals to your logic that when an inventor creates something then he or she gets proprietary rights over his creation, how much more sense does it make that we should recognize the Preeminent Creator as the Owner over “The world, and all those who dwell in it” (Psalm 24:1)?
Episode 13: God is Infinite
In this episode, we revisit the WLC Q7 which asks, "What is God?" Then, we provide some biblical basis for Louis Berkhof's claim that God is infinite, or free from all limitations (Job 11:1-9; 38:4-5).
The Folly of Atheism PT 1
Atheism is the worldview of fools. It touts itself as intellectual and scientific but is nothing more than a philosophy masquerading as neutral and objective.
God is Faithful: An Exegetical Study on 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Part 3
If the reader wishes to apply the hope-filled doctrine of this threefold series on 1 Corinthians 10:13, then go out and obey 1 Corinthians 10:14 with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Episode 12: God is Spirit
In this episode, we continue to pursue the knowledge of our great God by examining John 4:24 and Jesus’ declaration, “God is Spirit.”
The Motives of Sexual Sin
There are deep desires and motives of the heart that drive sexual sin and that’s the ground that we need to come to. We need to fall on our face before God and 1) recognize it, and 2) repent of it.
Doxology Doctrine: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
The final declaration of praise in the beloved Doxology extends from God the Father to include God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in this “all of creation” adoration.
Episode 11: Getting to Know Our Great God
In this episode, we preview our Summer series by comparing the beginning of Calvin's Institutes with the beginning of Augustine's Confessions. Then, we end our time together in the Westminster Larger Catechism.
Justification and Salvation
Our works, which may be called good, are only such as God has commanded in his word, and not those which are devised by men out of blind zeal, or upon any pretense of good intention (WCF 16.1).
God and Man
In preparation for this month’s podcast, where we will discuss Theology Proper and Anthropology utilizing Calvin’s Institutes, this brief survey of these two themes within the Pentateuch displays the biblical basis for God’s holiness and Man’s root problem: sin.
Episode 10 - Calvinism: A Gateway to Covenant Theology
In this episode, we connect the doctrine of Unconditional Election with Covenant Theology.
Doxology Doctrine: Praise Him Above, Ye Heav’nly Host
The penultimate line of the Doxology couples nicely with the preceding line to expand the worship of God from the earth below into the heavens above.
Spiritual Warfare in the Modern World Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26
Our worldview, if it is to be biblical, must allow for us to consider that the Spiritual forces in the World actually affect the world and oppose God’s church.
Jerusalem the Golden
Jerusalem the Golden is a hymn, composed by Alexander Ewing in 1853. He took the words from an ancient Medieval hymn, written by Bernard of Cluny in the 1100s.
Levitical Worship is Reformed Worship
Most Evangelical Christians (including those within the Reformed camp) would not look to the book of Leviticus to derive its order of worship. Reformed Christians pride themselves on being a people who follow the Regulative Principle of Worship (i.e. we must only do what God commands us to do in worship), but when it comes to the rules for the RPW, we more often than not leave it within the confines of the New Covenant Scriptures.
Doxology Doctrine: Praise Him All Creatures Here Below
When God’s people sing, “Praise Him all creatures here below,” they are actively praising God and summoning all other creatures to join in and praise him too. This call to worship is theologically rich because it recognizes a truth that is worthy of worship: the Creator is distinct from the creature.
Slippery Slope of Satanic Sin: Genesis 3:1-20
This week we will be considering what deviation, disobedience, and death looks like in the federal failure of Adam.