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The Hypocrisy of the American Christian Culture
When the days are evil, when hurt and confusion prevail, when uncertainty pervades every thought, and when our faith is weak; may we draw near to each other in the congregation of the Saints to draw encouragement, so that we do not waver from the profession of our most Holy Faith.
Three Changes Following Conversion
The world is not as it should be. No surprises there. After all, looking at the front page of any news outlet immediately reveals how messed up things are. How is it, then, that a large percentage of Westerners believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth?
Scorn And Contempt - Psalm 119:22
Since this is the case we can be sure that in the day of trial, our reproach will be removed, our integrity will remain, the Lord will be glorified, and after all is said and done it will end well for us.
A Treatise On Exclusive Psalmody Part 1: A Starting Point
It seems that many find this command to be rather innocuous. In the first instance, we might say, well “I’m not making for myself a ‘carved image’ or any likeness of anything in heaven, on the Earth, or in the water, and I’m certainly not bowing down to them or serving them.” And this is more than likely an accurate statement, at least as it appears outwardly. However, we cannot be a people that look to the letter of the law and no further.